How do you know if you need a hip replacement?

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How do you know if you need a hip replacement?

Why Get a Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure that can significantly improve quality of life for individuals suffering from hip pain and mobility issues. When we think of why people get a hip replacement we tend to think it’s because of arthritis, an accident or maybe a previous implant needs replacing. These may cause the limited ability to move and the pain, but the real reason is that we want the freedom to move, to exercise and to enjoy life again.


Arthritis affects the joints in the body causing pain, stiffness and inflammation. Osteoarthritis is the most common form that affects the hips. This condition occurs when the cartilage that cushions the hip joint wears down, causing bone-on-bone friction and pain. The main symptoms of hip arthritis include:

  • Pain in the hip joint, groin, thigh, or buttocks that worsens with activity.
  • Stiffness in the hip joint, making it difficult to move or rotate the hip
  • A grinding sensation in the hip joint
  • Limited range of motion in the hip joint


Hip replacements are also sometimes necessary due to accidents or injuries that cause significant damage to the hip joint. Examples include:

  • A hip fracture or dislocated hip caused by a fall, a car accident or a sports injury. A fracture is when a bone splits or breaks. A dislocation is when the ball and socket of the hip joint are forced out of their normal positions.
  • AVN (avascular necrosis) which disrupts the blood supply to the hip joint causing the bone to die. AVN can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, alcoholism, and steroid use.

Rejection of a First Implant

In some cases, a patient may experience complications or discomfort after receiving a first hip implant. Reasons for this include implant loosening, wear and tear, infection and allergic reactions to the implant material. In these cases, a hip revision surgery may be necessary to remove the first implant and replace it with a new one. When the cause is an allergic reaction (specifically a metal hypersensitivity reaction), the new replacement hip should be made of a different material. This issue can be  reduced when patients use the Orthotype™ test before their first joint replacement operation to ensure they are not at risk for a potential allergic reaction to the type of
implant being used.

Regaining the Ability to Move and Exercise

Hip pain and mobility issues can make it difficult to exercise or engage in physical activities, which can lead to weight gain, muscle weakness, and other health problems. A hip replacement can help alleviate pain and improve mobility, allowing individuals to engage in physical activities and exercise, which can improve overall physical health, mental health and general well-being.

Freedom to Enjoy Life Again

Ultimately, the goal of a hip replacement is to help individuals regain their freedom and ability to enjoy life again. Whether it's walking, traveling, playing with grandchildren, or pursuing hobbies and interests, a successful hip replacement can provide the pain relief and improved mobility needed to enjoy life to the fullest.

A successful hip replacement can be a life-changing procedure for those suffering from arthritis, those involved in accidents and those who desire to regain their freedom and quality of life. And a successful hip replacement is an informed one, so ask your doctor about Orthotype™.